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All you need to know, with no inessential content, delivered in a way that demonstrates the interconnectedness of the subject while guiding students to VCE success.
Focus on what students really need to know
This series has been written from the ground up for the new Study Design to equip students with exactly the skills and knowledge they need to master in order to achieve VCE success.
Success criteria checklist to keep students on track
Success criteria matched to the Study Design are provided at the beginning of each chapter detailing what students need to know and do to meet the syllabus requirements. Chapter Review questions allow students to tick achievement against the success criteria. Questions answered correctly in the Interactive Textbook automatically ticks the linked success criteria.
Emphasising the interconnectedness of Biology
In response to the new Study Design’s emphasis on the interconnectedness of each topic, this new series makes use of a storyline approach that scaffolds learning and allows students to recognise the connections between topics – promoting better recall of concepts.
New level of digital support
Comprehensive digital resources provide flexibility for students and extensive support for teachers. The downloadable practicals meet the requirements of the skills component of the Study Design and can be used by teachers as part of the school assessed course (SAC) work. Teachers can access tests, answers to all questions, curated links to resources such as videos, PowerPoint presentations, curriculum grids and teacher notes and the full Learning Management System powered by Cambridge Edjin.
Concept maps demonstrate links in topics
Concept maps is provide a mental map of the whole course, enhancing student recall of concepts and allowing them to make the necessary connections between topics that will aid them in assessment. Concept maps will provide clickable links as alternative navigation direct to the section covering that topic in the Interactive Textbook.
Skills boxes
Break-out boxes in every section offer advice on how to approach assessment tasks and exams questions.
Modelling of Logbook development
Students are now required to keep a logbook as an authentication of generated or collated data that demonstrates the transition of ideas throughout their investigation. Logbook examples are provided with the sort of entries they should include and walk them through each entry in two steps from initial investigation planning to a demonstration of what a final version of the investigation might look like. A video demonstration will also be provided.
Check-in questions & review questions scaffold learning
Each section contains at least one set of formative check-in questions plus a set of summative review questions to assess student learning. All questions have the option of being answered in the Interactive Textbook and self-assessed.
Scientific Investigation chapters support skills development
A scientific skills chapter will provide VCE students with all the skills they require to undertake investigations, analyse scientific evidence, and communicate results. A guide to research task strategies is also provided including the ethical, social, legal and economic considerations involved.
Downloadable practical activities and investigations
Downloadable pracs and editable documents provide experiments, open-ended investigations or ideas for activities that the teacher can modify, all meeting the requirements of the science investigation skills component of the Study Design.